Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seed balls: promoting urban foraging in San Francisco

In remote or rural areas, berries and greens can still be freely foraged. By reclaiming many of our city's under utilized sites
Urban Growth promotes the possibility of reclaiming the commons by seeding bare and untended earth under freeways, vacant lots, spaces between buildings or soil just emerging from abandoned and broken concrete. Land, which has been left abused and fallow, is revitalized and will offer it's bounty to feed the surrounding people and animals with plants that will nourish only those who eat them but also the ground they grow in.

The project:
Urban Growth will create and broadcast thousands of seed balls filled with native and edible seeds around San Francisco on fallow urban landscapes. Seed balls are known throughout the world as an efficient and successful strategy to reclaim difficult or abused land. The seeds are rolled up in mud and humus containing a high degree of clay, and strewn over the ground creating a self-sustaining mini-community (for information about seed balls, see links to the right). The clay protects the seeds from being eaten by birds, and when the rains come, the humus and clay help hold moisture and nutrients so the seeds germinate. Some of the seeds I plan to use include, miner's lettuce, burdock, mint, nettle, wild leeks, dandelion, chicory, mustard, lambs quarter, wild spinach and purslane.
Support materials, including maps of the planting sites, will be handed out in neighborhood communities or through this blog so that those who want to gather the food will know where edibles have been planted, what they look like and what to do with them. When these plants grow, they become part of a living sustainable community of relationships that includes billions of soil micro-organisms, worms, insects, other plants, birds, and humans, all of which work together to create the possibility of more foraged foods within our everyday landscape.
Join us to make seed balls, find the sites, broadcast the seeds and finally to harvest our labors.
Watch for postings of events here.


Paul Salinger said...

this sounds like a really cool project. wish I could make it Sunday, but I'm busy, so maybe can join in the other dates.

Geordie Milne said...


I have a large task at hand that I am hoping you may be able to help tackle.

I am assisting John Friend, the founder of Anusara Yoga, with organizing a gift for all of his students attending his workshops in San Francisco NEXT WEEK! There will be a total of 800 students and it is our hope that each student will walk away seed ball in hand and arm loaded.

As this is an advanced and intensive week for the Anusara community, top Anusara teachers and students (who are strong influences in their home communities) will be uniting from all around the world. Since seeds are difficult to travel with across borders San Fran is certain to see an ambush of abundance, all while the idea and importance of seed balls will be spread far and wide.

Is there any way you and/or your community can band together to orchestrate the making of 800 seed balls for this event in one week's time?

I greatly and graciously look forward to hearing from you.

Peace, light, and abundance,
Geordie Milne